Own take-back system for industrial batteries?

Do you have your own take-back system in Germany but lack knowledge about how to get your own take-back system approved or how to join a local take-back company? In terms of fulfilling the take-back obligations according to the German Battery Act (BattG), the following specific steps must be followed: The take-back system in Germany […]

Do you need guarantees? – We give them to you!

We’re growing! Discover our brand-new in-house service! As of February 29, 2024, it’s official: we have expanded our services and are now proud operators of a state-of-the-art manufacturer warranty system. This exciting innovation enables us to handle the obligations according to §7 of the ElektroG for all manufacturers. But what does this mean for you? […]

Other countries, other customs

Not only in Germany are there rights and obligations concerning the import of various goods. Unfortunately, there is no law that applies worldwide or throughout Europe. Each individual country has its own regulations and laws that must be adhered to. If you plan to establish your product in additional countries, we would be happy to […]